巧克力咖啡奶酪蛋糕 (免考)Chocolate Coffee cheesecake (no bake)
所以就来一个比较不一样的奶酪蛋糕 - 双味奶酪蛋糕。
底部饼皮层- 甜中带点咸(用了含盐奶油)
巧克力奶酪层 - 比较扎实和香滑的巧克力奶油奶酪
咖啡奶酪层 - 淡淡的咖啡味和顺滑的奶油奶酪
150克 Oreo饼碎 (Oreo Biscuit Crust with Cream)
60克 奶油 (Butter)
5茶匙 鱼胶粉 (Gelatin Powder)
5汤匙 水 (Water)
500克 奶油奶酪 (Cream Cheese)
250毫升 动物性奶油 (Whipping Cream)
130克 细砂糖 (Castor Sugar)
130克 黑巧克力粒 (Dark Compound Chocolate)
1汤匙 即溶咖啡粉 (Instant Coffee)
1汤匙 热水(溶解即溶咖啡粉)
200毫升 全脂牛奶 (Full Cream Milk)
1. 把奶油溶化后,倒入Oreo饼碎内搅匀。
200毫升 全脂牛奶 (Full Cream Milk)
1. 把奶油溶化后,倒入Oreo饼碎内搅匀。
Melt butter and mix with Oreo crust. Mix well.
2. 把饼碎到倒入8寸可脱模的蛋糕模里。均匀的铺平和压平。 在蛋糕模上盖上保鲜膜,放入冰箱的冷藏库里2个小时。
Pour oreo crust mixture into 8 inch cake mould. Spread the crust evenly on the cake mould and press firmly. Cover the cake mould with cling wrap and place it in fridge for 2 hour.
3. 把鱼胶粉和水混合一起。再隔水加热至鱼胶粉完全溶化在水。
Mix gelatin powder and water. Double boil the mixture until gelatin dissolved completely.
4. 把动物性奶油打发备用。
Whip whipping cream and set aside (Store in the fridge).
5. 把黑巧克力粒隔水融化。
Melt dark chocolate and set aside.
6. 把奶油奶酪和细砂糖放入一个新的盘中混合知道没颗粒。加入已打发动物性奶油和牛奶混合均匀。
Mix cream cheese and sugar in a new mixing bowl until smooth. Add in whipped whipping cream and milk. Mix well.
7. 把鱼胶水加入奶酪混合物混合均匀。
Add in gelatin in to cream cheese mixture and mix well.
8. 将奶酪混合物分一半。一半加入融化的巧克力混合物中混匀。
Divide cream cheese mixture into 2 portion. 1 portion mix with melted chocolate.
9. 将蛋糕模从冷藏库取出,把巧克力混合物倒入蛋糕模。再把蛋糕模放入冷冻库15 分钟。
Take out the cake mould from fridge, pour in the chocolate mixture into the cake mould. Place the cake mould at freezer for 15 minutes.
Pour coffee water into another portion of cream cheese mixture and mix well.
11. 蛋糕模从冷冻库取出,把咖啡混合物倒入蛋糕模。
Take out the cake mould from freezer. Pour in the coffee mixture into cake mould.
12. 蛋糕模放入冷藏库至少8小时才取出。
Place the cake mould in the fridge at lease 8 hour.
13. 蛋糕模从冷藏库取出。用一条热毛巾包围蛋糕模,这样可以容易让蛋糕模脱模。
Take out the cake mould from the fridge. Use a hot towel wrap cake mould, it help to remove the cake mould.
14. 双味奶酪蛋糕可以享用。
Twi flavour cheese cake is ready to serve.